Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago – Occepa by Freebooter

Back in late November, I painted a Freebooter’s Fate amazon and promised another would follow. Perhaps this looks familiar?

Occepa’s on the right…

I actually got Occepa almost done, but then got sidetracked with other projects. She’s been sitting, partly finished, at the edge of my workspace. Taunting me a little. So tonight I finished her up. We’ll start at the beginning, though.

Occepa is a brilliant if awfully fidgety miniature. Lots of individual bits and pieces takes in a very cool model, but also lots of tiny crevasses and hard to reach surfaces.

She also looks gloriously sturdy. This is a woman you could imagine donning crocodile armour and washing into a melee. I did a lot of paint mixing for this one, so I don’t remember what all of the various painted were that I used, but that’s my old standby Vallejo Red Leather.

Try to imagine the process of painting the underside of that tail and the back of her ‘skirt’. Ugh.

Getting to the mouth and hair here. Finally very little primer showing (mostly in this aforementioned nooks and crannies).

That crocodile head ‘helm’ is huge, and definitely limits the angles from which you can even see her face. This is the point at which I’d left off before. I suspect I had a way and some drybrushing done, but it’s not very clear where I’ve started and the other begins, so I did those aspects all over again tonight.

You see? From the wrong (or right?) angle, she looks more like an anthropomorphic croc. This time around I drybrushed in a few, progressively lighter tones and I feel like it served as a nice halfway point between basic drybrushing and highlighting (still not a big fan of highlighting, especially where my own miniatures are concerned).


I did a tiny bit of highlighting after this, but this is pretty much the finished product. Occepa is finished, and will now be entered into the local shop’s monthly painting contest, where she’ll remain on display for the next couple months convincing people (I hope) to check out these Frostgrave games.

Until next time! (I have a bunch of half finished entries here so hopefully it shouldn’t take too long!

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