Tagged: spetsnaz

Infinity – Spec Ops / Spetsnaz HMG WIP II

I ended up changing which arm that HMG was attached to. I loosened it while adjusting something else, and once it was off I figured I’d try a better location (two pins fit in the right arm!)…


Made him less dark than the actual Spetsnaz, as I imagine I’ll field him as a variety of units over time.

Infinity – Spetsnaz Sniper and Shotgun complete

All done, looking pretty good…


I used a Vallejo Sepia ink on the sniper, which was darker and browner than expected. It came out okay, but it’s dark enough that it really toned down the green in the green-black I used for the uniform. It prompted me to use the GW reikland fleshshade wash on the shotgun unit instead. I’d just fine with too dark a colours to make good use of a dark ink at my skill level, I think.

Infinity – Spetsnaz Shotgun WIP

As previously mentioned, I recently acquired a Shotgun Spetsnaz, which I’ve been using in Hunger Games scenarios to some success. Even Parachutist is a pretty solid Airborne Deployment when the Deployment zones are all tiny). Unfortunately, I’ve been finding myself short on active shots when bringing the shotgun and a sniper (Cateran or Spetsnaz, usually), so I think one of those is going to have to give. Need to squeeze in an HMG…
But for now… photos.



Infinity – Spec Ops / Spetsnaz HMG WIP

My most recent acquisitions were a Spetsnaz with boarding shotgun, an ADHL chasseur, and a spec ops model, which I wasn’t entirely sure at time of purchase what I’d be doing with. I’ve opted to give him the HMG and use him as a Spetsnaz for now. I decided to use the gun-free left arm, which almost backfired on me (more on that later), and add the included HMG to that.


Tiny holes make stronger wholes.

Gluing the hand to the gun seemed a little underwhelming as an option, so I shaved the stock down a little (to get it to nestle a little better) and added a pin running from the stock to the wrist. Not completely invisible, but not at all obvious either. I may use green stuff to build up the stock a bit around the pin. That’s right, I recently used green stuff for the first time ever. Way less pliable than I expected; it’s going to take some practice, I expect…
Now the aforementioned near miss. The open hand is held at the Spec Ops’ side, in a downward position, which I completely forgot between cleaning the model last week and converting it this week.


How close was that!?

It actually sits *exactly* level, which means a slightly thinner base (or no base at all) would have doomed it. Close call, that.



Infinity – More Hunger Games

We are really enjoying Hunger Games. It scales well with varying numbers of participants, the small and precise army limitations are a fun challenge and generally result in similarly built (and evenly matched) lists without eliminating everybody’s fun tricks,  and even units that traditionally have sorry lifespans are getting the opportunity to do a little more (Haqqislam’s bikers, for example, are less likely to die to sniper fire when no one individual is fielding several of them). Plus, added bonus… with only one table to build, we can cherry pick the available terrain without needing to spread it amongst several tables.



I've barely fielded this poor paratrooper since she lost her paramedic loadout with n3's arrival...




Infinity – Spetsnaz Sniper WIP I

The goggles on this guy made me want to go for a kerberos panzer cop sort of vibe, but once I had a solid bad coast in it I thought all black on black on black would be a bit of a cop-out.


So, I’m using very dark colours and trying for a similar feel…


I mixed some black into done olive green, used gunmetal blue anywhere I’d usually use brighter metallic colours, and mixed some oily steel into the dark olive where I needed a slight change in feel. Definitely going to take the metallic olive of the knee armour, but otherwise I’m liking it so far…

A Whole New Ballgame – we try out an ITS scenario

Last night was our first effort at an ITS scenario, and boy was it a whole new experience. We still usually play generic kill missions, although we have recently been making use of the YAMS mission system for a change of pace. Even with YAMS however, we don’t usually limit our turns. So what did we learn? Well, for starters, there’s definitely a reason why so many people field multiple groups; our order pools were looking a little slim. With 300 points, I myself only fielded 10 models. Peter fielded 12, but without realizing that separate groups have separate order pools, and so we treated them as a single group. We also learned that three turns is not a great deal of time, especially with only two players on the battlefield. We both realized simultaneously that the third turn had already arrived, and so began a mad dash to open some crates. In case it isn’t obvious, we were playing the lifeblood scenario.


It was also only 3 feet wide...

Once again, we went for a fairly dense battlefield, with plenty of cover and minimal firing lanes.
A good game, but I definitely took a lot away from this. Half of mirage team 5 didn’t even make it onto the board, and no part of me remembered that smoke grenades were even a thing. I think I’m just so used to bringing my airborne deployment in behind my opponent and gunning them down from outside their line of fire , that it didn’t even occur to me that I can bring them in on my side and use them strictly for defense. Next time things should be very different.
One final note, I did field the Spetsnaz sniper once again but only half of the marksmanship skill came into play, as the viral Lasiqs that he was primarily up against were depending on their mimetism, and were not behind cover at all.

Infinity: A small game and a new model

Super short post today, folks! Sunday night was a warhammer night, and I’ll likely cover that in my next Mighty Empires post, but after a rousing game of fantasy we managed to squeeze in a quick 3-player game of Infinity. 100 pts each, Ariadna vs Haqqislam vs Combined.
We played on a battlefield approximately 3’x4′ and ignored retreat rules and loss of lieutenant since our point totals were so low. We also went a little nuts with the terrain, which resulted in a pretty amazing urban battlefield. Really dense!


Wild in the Streets!

Combined went for numbers, fielding gaki and preta (sp?) along with a controller and some panzerfaust units. Haqqislam tried a posted down version of the list that served him so well last time, fielding two HMGs backed by a pair of doctors.  My Ariadna list consisted of the volunteer grenadier I forgot to include last time, the t2 mormaer, and a couple of proxies (viral loup garou and a new spetsnaz). It was a pretty weird game,
The Combined ‘runners’ got things started with a bang, charging both Ariadna and Haqqislam with a couple of highly mobile threats. My grenade launcher volunteer managed to hit one with an ARO as it ran, and it promptly made its ARM save. Hilariously (and please correct me if we’ve done this wrong), the blast radius (since it *did* hit and it was an ARM save that prevented damage, it made sense that the grenade went off) extended through an archway and covered a significantly heavier unit carrying a panzerfaust. He did not make his ARM save.
Let’s all have round of applause for my Caledonian Volunteer, who is probably luckier than she is skilled, but we’ll take what we can get.


In case you've forgotten her already... How could you!?

I eventually lost the Volunteer, but much of the remaining battle went in a similar fashion. The Combined lost their controller and the newly impetuous gaki and preta mostly just dashed into a whole pile of AROs. The remaining panzerfaust made a valiant effort, and managed at one point to land a solid hit on my Mormaer, but even the EXP/AP round failed to cut through the combination of tesium armour and hard cover.
As for me, I maneuvered the loup garou to gain a better position against Haqqislam, and the Spetsnaz sniper’s ‘ambush camouflage’ drew a few discovery orders from Haqqislam, but otherwise it was the Mormaer and the Volunteer that did all the work. Most of Haqqislam’s orders were spent maneuvering; they did most of their damage with AROs. By midday through the third turn the Combined had been annihilated and the rest of us were barely touched (I’d only lost the 8pt Volunteer), so we called it a two way draw and packed up.
My Spetsnaz proxy saw no real action, which is okay; I felt weird about fielding a proxy in this case but I just didn’t have time to put the sniper together over the weekend. I rectified that Monday evening, figuring I could prime it on Tuesday (the Canada Day holiday). Well, the building part on Monday totally happened,

but no painting. Why? Because M finally popped, and H has a new little brother (J). So I guess we’ll see when I get around to more painting. It’ll depend how good a sleeper the new mister is, I suppose… In the meantime, at least he’s built (and thus playable). ‘Till next time, whenever that might be! Hopefully sooner than I think…